Holy Smoke
HOLY SMOKE (1992) - Smoke vinyl (clear and black smoke blend)
The fourth Peter Murphy album Holy Smoke contained the single “The Sweetest Drop” which made it onto the modern rock charts. It was an elegant follow up to Deep with crisp production by Mike Thorne. As written in the original press release for the album, “You can’t pin down HOLY SMOKE, it curls and eddies in white and blue swirls, drawing a series of patterns on the brain, but just when an image begins to come into focus, the music mutates into something hypnotically new”.
Peter Murphy’s solo career began in 1986 with the release of Should The World Fail To Fall Apart and continues to this day. In addition to his work as the frontman of the legendary and groundbreaking Bauhaus, he has released ten solo albums, in addition to several live releases.